Ing. Miroslav Warhol
Ústav manažmentu STU
Vazovova 5, 812 43 Bratislava

Neuromarketing is a scientific field that began to form around 2000. Scientists working with neuroscience began to see the opportunity to work with this area as a possible tool in marketing. At present, it has great potential not only in the online space. The reader of this article has the opportunity to get acquainted through literary research with the characteristics of neuromarketing, its use in practice, as well as with the tools and methods of measurability used in research. Subsequently, based on the comparative method, the article will present the current state of teaching neuromarketing at universities and in the end it recommends modernization of the curriculum or study programs.

Strany: 127 – 127


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Zväzok: XV, Číslo: 2/2023